Michigan Jewish Democrats Condemn Ann Arbor Council Candidate’s Antisemitic Behavior, Call on Ann Arbor Voters to Reject Hate
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — The Executive Board of the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus issued the following statement:
For several years, Ann Arbor resident and Ward Four Democratic candidate for City Council Mozhgan Savabieasfahani has defined herself in opposition to the State of Israel, railing against the Jewish state in extreme terms before City Council, and staging anti-Israel protests outside Congregation Beth Israel, often wearing a sandwich board depicting a swastika, likening Israel to Nazi Germany.
Blaming American Jews for policies (real or perceived) promulgated by the State of Israel - as protesting a synagogue would imply - is patently antisemitic. Consistent with Savabieasfahani’s antisemitic behavior is her recent promotion of a deeply offensive cartoon on Facebook depicting one of her primary opponents, Jen Eyer, standing in a wallet, holding wads of cash, and receiving money from a pig holding a cigar. While the use of pigs in antisemitic rhetoric is age-old and clearly identifiable, Savabieasfahani expounded on her dog whistle by deriding prominent Jewish supporters of her opponent.
Joan Lowenstein, Washtenaw County Chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus and treasurer for Eyer’s campaign, stated, “Mozhgan Savabieasfahani’s hate-filled candidacy for Ann Arbor City Council is an affront to the universal values so integral to this city, as one of Michigan’s great intellectual centers.”
The Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus urges Ann Arbor Democrats to reject the hateful and extremist candidacy of Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, who is far more interested in elevating her own pet prejudices than representing the values and interests of Ann Arborites. On August 4th, voters in Ann Arbor will have the opportunity to make clear that antisemitism is not tolerated in the State of Michigan.
About: The Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus is the voice of Jewish Michiganders in the Democratic Party, dedicated to combating antisemitism and electing Democrats who share our values. In addition to supporting candidates through its state and federal PACs, MDJC works to strengthen the link between Michigan’s Jews and Democrats through strong communications and public forums, increase Jewish representation in Michigan politics, and advocate for progressive policies benefiting all Michiganders.
CONTACT: Noah Arbit, Chair
(248) 325-8560