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The Executive Board of the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus released the following statement today responding to the President's statements regarding several Democratic U.S. representatives and Israel

LANSING, Mich. — "Over the last 48 hours, the President has denigrated several United States Representatives in racist, demagogic terms, calling them un-American, and suggesting they 'go back to the broken and crime infested places from which they came.' This morning, he also suggested the Congresswomen are antisemitic and demanded they 'apologize to the State of Israel' as 'they [have used] foul language and racist hatred' and 'made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.'

“The Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus will always be bold in standing up for Michigan's Jewish community and calling out antisemitism, but Donald Trump's agenda is not to defend Jews from antisemitism - it is to turn American against American in a vain effort to increase his power. The Executive Board of the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus therefore strongly condemns the President's racist language targeting these Congresswoman - all of whom are women of color - by questioning their American-ness and their right to live in this country and serve the public.

"As Jewish Americans living in a swing-state critical to this President's political future, we recommend he consider that there is no man with language more foul, no mouth, which has spewed more racist hatred than his own. Indeed, the man who claimed "fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville has zero credibility on antisemitism, racism, or Jewish communal issues. While we may have deep disagreements - on Israel, or other policy issues - with certain members of Congress, we cannot think of something more American than earning majority support from voters. President Trump should give it a try. Until then, Michigan's Jewish community needs no 'help' from this President in advocating for our community, combating antisemitism, and pursuing a policy agenda that serves our community's needs. A racist demagogue is no friend to American Jewry, no friend to Michigan’s Jews."


CONTACT: Noah Arbit, Chair

(248) 325-8560


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